So I decided that I would take Tuesday (the offical Day Nine) off from work. I've been in desperate need of a 'mental health day' for weeks (maybe even months) and Tuesday felt like the right day. I spent 8 hours cleaning the house and having some 'me' time and it felt great! I did not, however, use the time to update my blog and have fallen behind by three days now. My bad ;) So with that, here are the three outfits I rocked for days 9 through 11.
My paranoia has made it difficult for me to take my pictures at work during the day (the only time when I have plenty of people to play photographer), and the fact that the BF wasn't home to take my picture meant I had to get creative. Since my camera seems to lack a self-timer option (or else I'm too stupid to be able to figure it out) I figured out that I could just hang my outfit on a hanger and then snap a pic. Not quite the same effect but, hey, it works!
Day Nine |
For Day Nine I went with a pair of really dark blue (almost black) chinos from Target ($20), a gray shirt from H&M ($15) and a really soft and comfortable sweater cardigan I got at Charlotte Russe. I love the necklace I wore with the outfit. It's a vintage-style Nine West necklace I picked up at Gordmans for less than $10. On a side note, I really, really, really like H&M and would really, really, really appreciate it if someone in their 'we make the decisions on where we are going to put new stores' department would see the light and open a store in Kansas City (preferably on the Kansas side). I don't know what the hold-up is and why there isn't one (or more) already in the KC metro area. There are plenty of young women (and men too) in the area that would jump for joy if H&M opened a store in KC. I'm just puttin' that out there... that's all :)
Day Ten |
Nothing too showy for Day Ten. Both the pants and shirt came from Kohl's and together cost less than $40.
Day Eleven |
No, I haven't been institutionalized, but I do think that white cinderblock wall makes a great backdrop, lol! On this wonderful Day 11 of my challenge I was faced with a dilemma: another day where I'm supposed to wear pink! All Fridays in the month of October have been designated 'Wear Pink Day' in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. Lucky for me, my sister gave me this boutique necklace a few years back. It's been collecting dust but was brought out of hiding as a result of my recent cleaning frenzy. One of the projects I tackled on my 'mental health day' was to organize all of my jewelry and as a result this necklace was found :) Thanks Corinne! As for the rest of the outfit I am wearing a pair of gray slacks (Gordmans) and a white tee from Kohl's ($3!).
Now it's the weekend and I need to spend some serious time working on my closet and my plan of attack for the next 9 days. Have a great weekend folks!